Wednesday, February 1, 2012

i love them. 
and it is all that matters.
for i know they will always be there for me.
take care and i wish you all the best :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

not on purpose, just by chance.
what was i even thinking??
shld never have assumed you to be the same as me.
i hope you are truly happy.
it used to be hard to care, but now, even harder to pretend not to care.

you may/maynot be reading this but i hope you will keep this in your heart:
don't go around breaking hearts of people that truly cares for you. 
don't play with fire. please. 

i no longer know if you are being truthful when we text.
cos for all i know, im just someone you are 'playing' with.

not saying anything doesnt mean not caring, not bothering.

it is only through this space that i truly can type out how i feel.
even in texts, i can never express these out cos it feels so real like talking to you.

so, yes this is the extent which i keep things to myself.

im just letting you know.
and if you know/understand, im really happy.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

my new phobia.
it's like how ppl describe deafening silence.
you want it, but you hate it as much.
life's ironies.

Monday, May 30, 2011

best friends quarrel every now and then.
nothing can change the fact that you are my best friend.
but if this friendship meant nothing to you or its so fragile that a quarrel can break it.
whatever then.

Monday, April 25, 2011

feeling sooo bad now.
feel like digging a hole right now and burying myself in it forever. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

anyone to give me a surprise now???
hug me to sleep. waking up in the arms of someone i love.
breakfast in bed.

small getaway trip to bintan/batam/phuket (anywhere with sun, sand and water)
just 2 of us.
walking in the beach at night, candlelight dinner, gazing at the stars.
wishing there is someone like this who is there for me right now.
that would be the best way to spend this long weekend. i wish.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

im trying to get used to being this.
afterall, its been close to 3 yrs.
feels new, yet weirdly familiar at the same time...
love them so much. +my qt pie missing in the pic.
if not for them, i'll never have literally survived till now.
*blows 10000000 kisses